Gaming desktops: This computers are designed specifically for gaming.

Find a dedicated gaming computer

Check out desktop computers that are designed specifically for gaming. These computers are built with high-end CPUs, top rated graphic cards, large amounts of RAM, and fast storage. An important feature of these computers is the advanced cooling system that prevents overheating during intense gaming sessions.

Desktop Computers for Business: Discover desktop computers that are designed for use in a professional environment

Every business runs better with safe computers.

Business desktops are typically optimized for productivity, with features such as fast processors, high memory, and large storage capacities to handle demanding workloads. They typically feature powerful CPUs, large storage and advanced security features such as TPM modules. They are also designed to be easy to manage and maintain in an enterprise environment.

Workstations: Explore desktop computers that are designed for use by professionals in fields such as engineering, architecture, and media production.

Find the best workstation for your project

These desktop computers are optimized for high-performance and productivity, with features such as powerful CPUs, large amounts of RAM, and advanced graphics capabilities to handle complex and demanding workloads. Workstations may also feature high-speed storage and advanced cooling systems to support fast processing of large data sets or 3D graphics.

All-in-Ones: These are desktop computers that integrate the computer components into the display, offering a compact and sleek design.

All in One computers are great for home use and office spaces.

All-in-ones are a good choice for users who want a compact computer without the desktop unit and monitor being separate. They are available in a range of sizes and configurations to suit different needs.